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Tag Archives: boundaries
Yesterday we looked at the new kind of boomerang living arrangements created as a result of the current financial meltdown. Sandwiched Boomers – as well as the generations before and after them – are moving into these situations in record numbers. Many positive results can come out of shared housing if you plan ahead. Today we have some tips to help take the sting out: Have a family meeting to set guidelines before you move in together. All of you need to be frank and honest about your needs. Each … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged boundaries, economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, housing, Sandwiched Boomers
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This ends our posts of how you, as Sandwiched Boomers, can take care of yourself as you juggle family responsibilities: 1. Draw upon your strengths – both personal and spiritual – as you put one foot in front of the other and do what you have to do each day. You know best what sustains you in difficult times – love, duty, loyalty, faith, hope, compassion, bravery, forgiveness. 2. Create boundaries to protect yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for the mistakes you make – learn from them. Rather than give … Continue reading