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Tag Archives: Boomerang kids
Happy New Year
We wish you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year. Tune in tomorrow as we wrap up our discussion of boomerang kids and the comments on the Newsweek.com article. And visit us often at www.HerMentorCenter.com where you can sign up for our Free Newsletter, Stepping Stones. Clicking on the title above will take you to Her Mentor Center where you can browse through the Newsletter Library and the Nourishing Relationships archives. Enjoy!
Posted in adult children, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, HerMentorCenter.com, Newsweek, Phyllis Goldberg, Rosemary Lichtman
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Setting Guidelines with Boomerang Kids
Readers of the Newsweek.com article by Tina Peng on boomerang kids, “They’re Baaack,” had lots of comments about how to make the situation work for both the parents and the kids. Here are just a sampling: Headface sets the stage for a new realationship when kids move back home. “I think there should be a new set of rules involved. The kids should have to pay part of the rent/mortgage, the same for groceries, do their share of chores, etc. Any parent who lets the dynamic regress back to when … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids
Tagged Boomerang kids, communication, family, home, Newsweek, Phyllis Goldberg, Rosemary Lichtman, They're Baaack, Tina Peng
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Boomerang Kids
Many of the comments to the article, “They’re Baack,” by Tina Peng in Newsweek.com were based on how the respondent viewed “family.” Cool, in her thirties, finds fault with Baby Boomers for “the idea of turning your back on your family for a fresh start somewhere far, far away” and continues, “most people on the planet still live in some form of an extended family.” Derrick agrees that the family should be there for their adult children, “You have created an obligation for yourself when you had kids to take … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, family, Newsweek, Tina Peng
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Newsweek.com Article
Some of our readers noticed that ten days ago we were featured in an article written by Tina Peng for the online edition of Newsweek magazine. If you missed it, you can still read it, “They’re Baack,” at http://www.newsweek.com/id/175908. Or just click on our blog title above and it will take you there. In her Newsweek web exclusive, Tina notes that today many empty-nesters are hit with boomeranging kids moving back home. She asked for our input to help families dealing with this growing phenomenon. Here are some excerpts of … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids
Tagged Boomerang kids, comment, marriage, Newsweek, Phyllis Goldberg, relationship, Rosemary Lichtman, Tina Peng
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