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Tag Archives: Boomerang kids
Coping with the Coronavirus Pandemic
As we deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are living through a dangerous time, attempting to navigate the polar opposite risks of isolation and engagement, amidst warnings about how our carefully orchestrated plans can be put in jeopardy by unknown hazards ahead. Whether you are staying-at-home alone or with family, or venturing back into the retail world, you may find yourself overwhelmed by a constant stream of challenges. You may be feeling competing and paradoxical emotions: gratitude for your survival yet despair for those who have … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged anxiety, Boomerang kids, Coping with Covid-19, coronavirus pandemic, economic meltdown, friendship, masks, social distance, stay at home, stress, support, unemployment, women
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Happy International Women’s Day
March 8 has been established as International Women’s Day – celebrating the contributions women have made to society throughout history. Thousands of events across the world honored the accomplishments of women and encouraged gender parity. The theme this year is Be Bold for Change. In keeping with that dictum, we have, through the years, provided supportive direction for positive change. Whatever your challenges – working hard at a career where you keep hitting the glass ceiling, struggling to improve your marriage, exhausted by efforts to give your child the future … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, parenting kids, stress, your self
Tagged achieving balance, Ban Bossy, Boomerang kids, challenges on the job, connect with your grandchildren, health crisis, improve your marriage, International Women's Day, Millennials, mothers of teens, olympic athletes, parenting styles, positive psychology, relationships, return to work, tiger moms, Whose Couch Is It Anyway, women's friendships, workforce, World Cup soccer, young adults living at home
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The not so empty nest
For two years now, we’ve been blogging here about the phenomenon of Boomerang Kids. Once considered an unusual event after leaving the nest empty, adult children now have moved back home in record numbers. According to Pew Research, more Millennials are now living with their parents than in any other housing arrangement, with over 20 million returning to their childhood homes. This new cultural shift is apparent throughout the world, and has become a societal norm for Millennials and their families. But even with its prevalence, there are areas of … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, empty nest, experience50, family, Mary Rogers podcasts, Millennials, parenting grown children, Pew Research, tips for young adults living with parents, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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