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Tag Archives: bonus
Reaching Out as a Community
The nation seems to be coming together to demand an end to special interests that take advantage of the American people. Politicians who went along with the loopholes allowing for the AIG bonuses are rightly being questioned. And now news has surfaced that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also planning large bonuses for their executives – even though the federal programs were run into the ground through problematic management decisions. Taxpayer revolts – modern day tea parties – remind us that the “little guys” are finally insisting on being … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged AIG, bonus, children, Fannie Mae, Feddie Mac, Gulf, Hurricane Katrina, Sandwiched Boomer, tea party
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Journey of the AIG Bonuses
All over the news these days is the disgust of the American people with the $165 million dollar bonuses AIG gave their own executives, as a “retention bonus.” After originally accepting $150 billion in TARP money, paid for by the American taxpayer, AIG has been scheduled to receive another $30 billion. But now the government has been reacting to the anger of the people and demanding some restitution of the bonus money. Every day Sandwiched Boomers manage their budgets while caring for growing children and aging parents – why can’t … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged AIG, bonus, breast cancer, money, Sandwiched Boomers, success, TARP, taxpayer
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