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Tag Archives: anxious and stressed
Sandwiched Boomers: Gift of Health
Americans are very busy spending lots of money on gift cards. With the holidays now right around the corner, your stress level may be stuck on high. And if that’s so, a medical gift card, which some credit card companies and health care providers issue, could be exactly what the doctor ordered. Photo courtesy of Shoshana – Flickr.com The targeted audience for these medical gift cards are members of the Sandwich Generation. They’re the ones buying presents for parents who have increasing health needs. They’re also looking to gift their … Continue reading
Michael Jackson’s Kids: Doing the Best They Can
Michael Jackson often experienced the emotional turmoil that can accompany global fame. He was grateful for the the wisdom and strong support of his mom. Although your family may not be in the public eye, if your adult children are in trouble and you’re suddenly cast into the role of parent, you could be feeling the stress. There will be a huge void to fill and you may be confused about your role now. Don’t be afraid to see a family therapist, child psychologist or parenting coach. Understanding your particular … Continue reading