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Tag Archives: abuse
Yesterday came the official word about what families have sensed for a while – Americans are in the midst of a recession, potentially the worst since the Great Depression. Many people who are normally calm are stressed by the financial meltdown and concerned that they are spiraling out of control. If this sounds familiar, you could be emotionally at risk for harming your children, your spouse or elders under your care. If you are worried about your hostile attitude and aggressive behavior – be it verbal abuse or physical – … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged abuse, children, communication, Elder, Great Depression, recession, Sandwiched Boomers
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Across the United States and around the world, the effects of the financial crisis continue to spread – foreclosures are widespread, banks are being taken over, stock markets are erratic, credit is frozen and bankruptcies are increasing. Even with the planned infusion of trillions of dollars by the government, no one can predict with certainty the long-term effects on the economy. Hope is building that the Obama administration will create solutions but most pundits agree that this collapse will not right itself in the near future. How is all this … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged abuse, anxiety, Domestic Violence, economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, frustration
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As we move through these difficult financial times, the stresses we all face will be great. Emotions are likely to be close to the surface as uncertainty about the state of our economy continues. Be aware of any potential for domestic abuse in your family and pledge to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the painful trauma caused by such violence. Immediately let someone in authority know about the abuse, if it occurs. Have the phone number of the local police station available – and you … Continue reading
One survivor commented yesterday on the difficulty of finding the right time to leave her abusive spouse because of her children. When she did leave, 10 years ago already, she was able to move into a women’s shelter and take stock of her life. Now she says with great emotion, “we haven’t looked back.” The expectation is that the numbers of cases of domestic violence will go up as the stock market numbers go down. Abusers react to such external pressures by lashing out at those around them. Learn what … Continue reading