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Category Archives: well-being
Celebrating the 4th of July
How are you celebrating the 4th of July this year? Whether you’re with friends or family, at home or out, enjoy relaxing and being together. Hoist the flag, express your gratitude for living in this great country of ours and grab a hot dog on a bun – which by the way was invented at the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis, my hometown. Then find a good spot for watching the fireworks this evening! The Statue of Liberty, a gift to America from France in 1886, reopened to the … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged 4th of July, America, community, family, friends, resilience, support
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Training for a Half-Marathon
You see them everywhere, don’t you? People exercising with their smart phones in hand, ear-buds plugged in, enjoying their own music, conversation, recorded book or other mp3 download. And there are good reasons to use them as an aid to exercising – they make the time go faster and the workout seem easier and less stressful. One study reported in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that music provides a ‘distraction effect’ for walkers and joggers, reducing the fatigue and stress of exercise so that the workout … Continue reading
How to Manage Sibling Conflict
Tuesday’s blog focused on new research findings – that those who experience psychological aggression, whether from siblings or peers, have increased levels of depression, anger and anxiety. Today, let’s look at how your family can prevent sibling conflicts from accelerating. As parents, we have to ask the hard questions about our kids – is there an imbalance of power, is one usually the victim, are the aggressive behaviors persistent, is there ever an intention to harm? We also need to see the part that we play – do we have … Continue reading