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Category Archives: well-being
A Walk Instead of Breast Cancer
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, we’re used to hearing about walks – 5K, 10K, or longer – in support of breast cancer research and screening. But this year we’re turning the tables on those reasons and hearing about new data indicating that walking itself can be part of a breast cancer prevention routine for postmenopausal women. Researchers looking at epidemiologic evidence found that women who walked at least 7 hours a week had a significantly reduced risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who were not as … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged American Cancer Society, awareness month, breast cancer, commitment, exercise, goal, pink ribbon, prevention, research, risk, support, walking
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Grounding yourself during financial turmoil
If you’re finding yourself stressed by the current mix of financial chaos, don’t get pushed into panic mode, even though your costs may be going up just as your benefits are going down. The Government shutdown – or slimdown as some are calling it – as well as glitches in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and debt ceiling debates remind us that we can’t always control our circumstances. But there are some things we can do to cope with the disturbing state of affairs. Here are 5 tips … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged benefits going down, challenge, control, coping, costs going up, financial chaos, Government shutdown, gratitude, help, panic, reduction, reframe, slim down, stress
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Grandparents and Adult Grandkids Bonding Can Lower Depression for Both
The number of grandparents raising grandkids surged during the Great Recession. In 2011, according to a Pew Research Center report, grandparents were the main caregivers for more than 3 million children. There are still many reasons why this is necessary today – military service, untimely death, incarceration, substance abuse, mental illness or problems with layoffs and foreclosures. The second Sunday in September is always Grandparents’ Day. But every day is a good time to celebrate caring across the generations. For many of us growing up, our grandparents were the … Continue reading