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Category Archives: well-being
Lessons from the Achuar Tribe
We all have a personal narrative, and listening to others’ stories helps us learn more about ourselves. My husband and I, our 4 adult children and 5 grandsons traveled to the basin of the Ecuadorian Amazon River where peace of mind is a natural commodity. It was a breath of fresh air to visit the indigenous Achuar people, as ecological mindfulness and family life are two of their top priorities. They number 6,000 and live on two million acres of ancestral territory, a remote area where they preserve their way … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Achuar Tribe, Amazon River, Ecuador, Gondwana Ecotours, Jared Sternberg, Kapawi Lodge and Reserve, travel, traveling with adult children, traveling with grandchildren
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The Best Oldies But Goodies
As 2016 draws to a close, you’ve probably been reading lists and lists of ‘the best.’ Sometimes it’s the best movies of the year, others the best TV bloopers, or the best male and female athletes. If you’re like most of us, you probably like to begin each New Year with hope and optimism. So, in the spirit of ‘bests,’ here are some of my posts from the past on HerMentorCenter.com that can help you make a successful personal transition from 2016 to 2017. Once you decide that you are … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged achieving your goals, challenge, change in 2017, drawing on your strengths, expressing gratitude, growth, January blues, New Year's resolutions, recovery, SAD, strategies, your personal assets
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Meditation Exercises Your Mental Muscle
Meditation is the new brain food. Studies in neurobiology indicate that a meditation practice can decrease stress-related responses as well as increase self-awareness, compassion and mental equilibrium. Modern science is now up to speed with ancient wisdom. Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from 161 to 180, said: Nowhere can (wo)men find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in their own souls. Who doesn’t spend time obsessing – about themselves, about regrets from the past, about fears of the future? It would benefit all of us to connect with breath in the present … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety and stress, Baby Boomers, compassion, Internet, meditation exercises, Millennials, mindfulness, Sanskrit mantra, technology, Tina Turner, yoga of sound
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