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Category Archives: well-being
Our Millennials and Transition
Life is not linear–it loops around and repeats itself. And when the past presents again, it inspires us to learn more about what to do next. Take Millennials, for example. Some leave home more than once, going back and forth, with small steps each time. Practice makes perfect. And these cumulative experiences prepare them for the ultimate transition into adulthood. At some level, summer camp is the first step toward greater autonomy. Because our kids’ leave-taking is only temporary, we welcome the break from our daily routine. But we know … Continue reading
A Metaphor for Life
My favorite T-shirt is more than just a casual top to wear; it gives me something significant to think about. What’s the motto on the front? “Jazz: A Metaphor for Life.” I bought it seven years ago at the Michigan Jazz Festival and I’ve been sporting it ever since. This summer, I’ve been thinking about how I can incorporate more of its meaning into my daily life. Here are 5 ways you too can take advantage of the assets of ‘jazz’ every day. Improvise. When you find yourself facing a … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged accomplishments, challenge, connection, flow, friends, improvise, Jazz, passion, resiliency, take a chance, talent
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How Reunions Can Change Your Brain
According to neuroscience, our experiences can slowly change our brains. So how do we increase our positive qualities? Apparently, if we repeat activities that involve desirable characteristics–like kindness, gratitude and compassion–these inner strengths can become woven into the fabric of our brains. One of many ways to achieve this is through reunions. And that’s what a group of us just did, reconnected in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada after 50 years! Most of us had met as young girls in elementary school, remaining close friends through college. And being together last week was … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged brain, Canada, challenges, compassion, experiences, friends, grandchildren, gratitude, kindness, mindful, neuroscience, retirement, reunions, women of '44
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Childhood Friends
I’m in Canada for the week, enjoying time with old friends–all born in ’44. We’ll tour the city that shaped us, share photos of our kids and grandchildren, laugh a lot, I’m sure. I look forward to the stories, to reminiscing and savoring the memories of growing up together. In my next post I’ll write about 10 women, friends since primary school, more than 60 years later. We all face transitions at each stage of life. When Rosemary and I began publishing online 14 years ago, we named our newsletter ‘Stepping … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged 1944, career, friendship, grandkids, health & wellness, memories, relationships, retirement, reunion, self-discovery, women
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