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Category Archives: well-being
Millennials and Marriage Advice
Millennials have been keeping their distance from one of the core institutions in our society. Only 26% of this cohort, that numbers over 80 million, is married. Compare that to other generations: 36% of Gen X, 48% of Baby Boomers and 65% of the Silent Generation were married at the same age. According to a Pew Research Center survey, one of the main qualities most women want in a husband is a secure job. Yet the report points out that young men are increasingly less likely to be employed. And those … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, well-being
Tagged anger, date night, disappointment, finances, intimacy, Kate Middleton, marriage advice, Millennials, Pew Research, Prince William, relations
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Virtual Book Tour: Gypsy Nesters
Today we are thrilled to host authors Veronica and David James on our blogsite. We will be discussing their book, Going Gypsy: One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All. It’s the story of life after raising kids that is a celebration of new experiences. On a journey of over ten thousand miles along the back roads of America (and a hysterical, error-infused side trip into Italy), they conquer old fears, see new sights, reestablish bonds with family and friends, and transform their relationships with their three grown children. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, college, daughters, empty nest, family, follow your dreams, Going Gypsy, Gypsy Nesters, raising kids, sons, travel
Millennials and Faith
Millennials continue to create their own path to adulthood. A Pew Research Center survey indicates that they are less likely than any other generations to be affiliated with a traditional faith or attached to religious institutions. Only 58% say they are certain that God exists. Moving beyond the walls, they’re finding unrestricted networks where every tribe is represented and no one is left out. Some have lots of questions and, without definitive answers, are engaging with others and encouraging dialogue. As digital natives they continue these discussions, collaborating and feeling connected through … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, God, meditation, Millennials, path, Pew Research Center, Pope Francis, prayer, religion, spirituality, stress, student loans, Vatican
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Millennials: A Mixed Bag
Are you celebrating the holidays – whether they’re Passover, Easter or just a long weekend – with family? If you’ve got members of all generations, you’ve likely noticed that others may slip into categorizing Americans by lumping them together based on their year of birth: those born in the 1920’s were the greatest, the 40’s, traditionalists, the 50’s, hippies. But what about the Millennials? If you’ve got one in your family, you know that, as a group, they’re a little harder to categorize. At 80 million strong, they can run … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, delayed adulthood, family, generations, holidays, kidults, Millennials, parents
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