Let Go of Control

Today, Macroeconomic Advisers reports that nearly three-quarters of a million jobs were lost in the private sector during March alone. On Friday, the government’s job report will include the unemployment rate, expected to rise from 8.1% to 8.5%. With all the stress generated by a husband’s job loss and the turmoil resulting for the family, this is the time to take a stand and make changes to help you all adapt. Here are two tips to make it easier for you to do just that:

Schedule family meetings to discuss changes you want to make. Get together to decide what needs to be done and who is best able now to take on the responsibility of household chores. Involve your teenagers and emerging adult children so that they know what is expected of them. Take help from the family – everyone will feel better when they are doing their fair share. Present these challenges as a way to increase family resolve as you distinguish betweens wants and needs.

Let go of control. Many of you are likely juggling work and parenting. Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that two-thirds of women with children under 18 work outside the home. Now is the time to prioritize and simplify. Don’t hesitate to ask your husband for more help with housework and the kids. Let go of how you did things before and allow your husband do it his way. And have realistic expectations. It need not be perfect, as long as it gets done. Trust your family as you do yourself. Set reasonable standards, not ideal ones.

It never hurts to try as many different ways as you can to relieve the stresses in your life. Click on the title above to take you to our article giving you Seven Steps on the Less Stress Express.

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