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Tag Archives: women
Women, Friendship and Reconnecting
September is National Women’s Friendship Month, so take the time to recognize and nurture the friends who play an important role in your life. Midlife is a great time to reconnect. When you’re young, friends help form your identity. As a teenager, with the need for acceptance by peers, your self esteem is impacted by how they see you. Later on, when your family becomes more self sufficient, friends often return to the forefront. And as you plan the next chapter of your life, you can turn to them for … Continue reading
The Queen of My Self: Stepping into Sovereignty in Midlife
Today we welcome Donna Henes to our blog so that we can chat about The Queen of My Self, a landmark book that celebrates a new mythic model for the middle years of a woman’s life – the Queen! A celebration of the midlife woman in her prime who has achieved wisdom, mastery, and self-esteem, it provides upbeat, practical, and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to enjoy the fruits of an influential, passionate, and powerful maturity.NR: Welcome to Nourishing Relationships, Donna. Can you tell our readers something about … Continue reading
Learning How to Listen Like Your Favorite Pet
When your partner speaks, do you think you’re as good a listener as the family dog or cat? Lets take a look at what pets may bring to the table with good listening skills and emulate their behavior: 1. Look directly at your partner and pay attention – don’t let your mind wander off topic or to your potential response. Make the person who is speaking the most important one in the universe at that moment. 2. Allow your partner to complete his or her thoughts. When it is appropriate, … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged active listening, cat, conversational style, dog, men, partner, pet, Sandwiched Boomer, Stepping Stones, women
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Stories from Stepping Stones
Many women were generous about sharing their stories with us – and our readers. You can read them in full on our website, www.HerMentorCenter.com, but here’s a brief sampling from 8 different women who had unique yet universal tales to tell in various past issues of Stepping Stones: “The bad news came swiftly and completely unexpectedly – the office was being closed and I was out of a job. This was not the first time I had faced unemployment. In the past, I had always hunkered right down and launched … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged family, HerMentorCenter.com, relationships, Stepping Stones monthly newsletter, story, subscribe, women
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