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Tag Archives: women
Sandwiched Boomers: Our Gift to You
Just for today, please indulge us in a stroll down memory lane. It’s been 10 years since we published our first Stepping Stones newsletter and 5 years that we’ve been blogging here at Nourishing Relationships. Early on we discovered that the Internet was like the Wild West and we joined with other pioneers to build a thriving community. We’ve met some incredible women through our work and want to share narratives they wrote for issues of the newsletter, some dating way back to 2001. Read about joys and struggles of … Continue reading
Testosterone Levels Decrease in New Fathers
As mothers, we’ve experienced the hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum emotions. We felt more attached to our growing baby as our progesterone and estrogen levels rose early in pregnancy and remained high, supporting the development of a healthy, well-nurtured baby. Then our oxytocin levels spiked while we gave birth – just the beginning of the mommy brain we formed. All of these dramatic hormonal changes made us more involved with our infants, during pregnancy and as new mothers. Studies are now showing that men, too, are … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, parenting kids
Tagged baby, birth, caregiving, family, feminine side, men, mommy brain, parenting, pregnancy, testosterone, women
Musing About Marriage
I couldn’t treat today as if it were just like any other. It’s my anniversary – 46 years married to the same guy – and it’s got me thinking about a lot of things: perspective, the passage of time and especially how couples can “live happily ever after.” Here are some of my musings, along with the thoughts of various relationship experts. The Pew Research Center recently conducted a national poll looking at modern marriage and new family constellations. Although more unmarried couples are living together than ever, marriage is … Continue reading