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Tag Archives: Veterans Day
Fort Hood Massacre
Flags are flying at half-mast all across America in memory of the 13 soldiers who were massacred by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood. The soldiers were randomly shot while they waited for medical treatment on the base. In addition to the 13 who died, 30 more were injured, some severely. The incident has brought to the forefront, less than a week before Veterans Day, the risk that those brave men and women in the armed forces take, in service to the country. Americans in the armed forces continue to … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation
Tagged bravery, flag, Fort Hood, Sandwiched Boomer, Veterans Day
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Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers on Memorial Day
We respectfully remember today those who have fallen in service to our country, those who have served and returned, and those who are currently in harm’s way in our defense. Please join as we express our gratitude to these brave young men and women. To read about how observances of Memorial Day and Veterans Day can positively impact you and your family relationships, please click on the title above.
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged Armed Forces, bravery, gratitude, Memorial Day, Veterans Day
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Families Together
Another mother-in-law has contacted us about her experiences with her children-in-law. Susan Lieberman has written a book about the process of improving relationships with sons- and daughters-in-law. We plan to host her on our blog in the future so stay tuned. With Memorial Day coming on Monday, we salute those families who have a loved one serving in the Armed Forces and honor with respect those who have lost a family member in service to our country. Please join with us in celebrating the lives of these brave men and … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged Armed Forces, daughter-in-law, family, love, Memorial Day, MIL, mother-in-law, sacrifice, son-in-law, Veterans Day
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Even in these difficult economic times, there is much to be grateful for. As we appreciate our blessings, we can focus on what we can do as individuals to make our world a better place for all. Today we are highlighting two projects. Dina Lynch Eisenberg of www.thismarriagething.com has started what she calls The Gratitude Project. She describes it as “my challenge to bring more love and appreciation into the world during a tough time.” The idea is to say thank you to your spouse – or partner, friend, co-worker … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged economic crisis, gratitude, marriage, refugee, spouse, Veterans Day
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