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Tag Archives: resilience
Caring for the Caregiver
If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you want to care for those you care about. But, at times, the emotional stress of nurturing multiple generations can be overwhelming. There are demands from every direction and you often have too little time, too little money, and too little help. Photo courtesy of gbaku – flickr.com The best way to have patience and compassion for your aging parents and growing kids is learn to be patient and compassionate with yourself. Here are tips on how to do just that: Balance … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, caregivers, changes, family, goals, love, resilience, Sandwich Generation
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The Day After
…And they lived happily ever after. That’s what we’re told at the end of fairy tales. And we want to believe it. But the truth is we really don’t know what happens after the wedding. How does the couple resolve the inevitable conflicts? How do they support each other after a defeat? How do they incorporate romantic love into the reality of day-to-day ups and downs? Today is Valentine’s Day plus One. You may be feeling disappointed and resentful about yesterday or happy and cherished. Perhaps you want to savor … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged conflict, creation, fairy tale, forgiveness, gratitude, love, optimism, pessimism, reaction, resilience, story, valentines day, wedding
9/11 Ten Years Later
Ten years ago, this photo took my breath away. Just like the pictures of the collapsing towers and the fliers with the smiling faces of lost loved ones. What powerful images of despair, suffering and the staggering losses of 9/11. But there were also stories of rescue, heroism and survival. At dinner the other night, my 5 year old grandson was amazed by his brothers’ conversation about terrorists seizing control of planes and crashing them into the World Trade Center. Being so young, how could they understand the impact? But … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged 9/11, collapsing towers, ground zero, national psyche, PTSD, resilience, ten years later, terrorists, World Trade Cent
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Baby Booomers and Post Traumatic Growth
The last day of our summer vacation with all the family came to a sad ending with my husband’s accident. He’s been more reflective as he recuperates from knee surgery that will keep him off his feet for the next few months. He’s always been able to do it all, and now suddenly there are limitations – just like for the older baby boomers who are coming face to face with the realities of the aging process. But it’s not as bad as it could be, especially when it comes … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, family, post traumatic growth, religious faith, resilience, spiritual practice, stress