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Tag Archives: pregnancy
Testosterone Levels Decrease in New Fathers
As mothers, we’ve experienced the hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum emotions. We felt more attached to our growing baby as our progesterone and estrogen levels rose early in pregnancy and remained high, supporting the development of a healthy, well-nurtured baby. Then our oxytocin levels spiked while we gave birth – just the beginning of the mommy brain we formed. All of these dramatic hormonal changes made us more involved with our infants, during pregnancy and as new mothers. Studies are now showing that men, too, are … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, parenting kids
Tagged baby, birth, caregiving, family, feminine side, men, mommy brain, parenting, pregnancy, testosterone, women
What will Tomorrow Bring for the Suleman Family?
The risk of a pregnancy like Nadya Suleman’s is not only to the mother but also for the babies. There are potential physical problems that will need to be carefully monitored over the coming years. There may be psychological issues to deal with as well. Even though Suleman loves being a mom, there are 14 children and only one of her. She can’t do it alone. It’s not possible for her to take care of the emotional needs of that many growing children. The potential developmental delays and learning disabilities … Continue reading