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Tag Archives: Plan B
Acknowledge Your Progress in Fulfilling Your New Year’s Resolutions
Today we give you our final tips to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. Give yourself credit for what you are accomplishing. You deserve rewards all along the way – for making the decision to change, for taking the first step, for achieving each objective. Acknowledge the difficulty of your mission and congratulate yourself when you reach your goal. Accept that you are not perfect and that you will fail sometimes. Your path with likely not be a straight line, rather one with several ups and downs. Make a … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged goals, HerMentorCenter.com, New Year's resolutions, personal strengths, Plan B
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Actress Natalie Portman, who moved back in with her parents when she gave up her own home, reveals that things do not always go as expected. “It was cool in the beginning because I get good meals and my laundry done but it turns into trouble. It’s rough.” As the reality of shared housing sets in, here are some more tips that Sandwiched Boomers will find helpful: Think about the problems that can come up and make a Plan B. Just because you all are having some difficulty with the … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged family, housing, Natalie Portman, Plan B, Sandwiched Boomers
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