Tag Archives: mother-in-law

Respectful Mothers-in-Law Create Meaningful Bonds

Reading through some of the comments we’ve gotten from you, our readers, we are again struck by the wisdom and sensitivity of women. The theme of R-E-S-P-E-C-T, as Aretha Franklin put it, dominates the way successful mothers-in-law relate to their offspring and their partners. When we consider the relationship from the eyes of our children and look at the challenges they face, we can focus on how they are maturing rather than on how we are coping with their development. Their growth can give us a sense of pride and … Continue reading

Posted in adult children, extended family, your self | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Mothers-in-Law Speak Up

Our recent Stepping Stones newsletter generated a flurry of readers’ comments – not surprising since the topic was mothers-in-law. That’s been a hot-button relationship since the beginning of time. We appreciate hearing from our readers and decided to open the discussion about in-law relationships to all of you on our blog this week. You’ll find a sampling of the responses below – feel free to weigh in on them yourselves. And send in your personal stories about getting along with your own mother-in-law or about your relations with your daughters-in-law … Continue reading

Posted in adult children, extended family, your self | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Respect their Boundaries

Follow these tips to develop a bond with your son-in-law that will grow through the years. As an accepted mother-in-law, you can enjoy the connections with your new family member. Avoid hot button issues like finances, religious observances, and work/home responsibilities. By taking sides, you make it harder for the newlyweds to sort out these issues for themselves. When you have expectations that are not shared by them, recognize that now it’s their turn to make this type of decision. Be available to help when asked but don’t intrude. As … Continue reading

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Put Yourself in His Shoes

Here are some things to keep in mind as you welcome a new son-in-law into your family. Move slowly into the role of mother-in-law, remembering that your daughter’s spouse arrives with his own issues, unique temperament and family rituals. Learn more about him and his family rather than expecting him to blend into yours. Remember that family loyalty goes both ways. Imagine the situation from your son-in-law’s perspective. Recognize that he wants to build and strengthen his new family unit. Doris is trying to let go of her need to … Continue reading

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