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Tag Archives: MoonWalk
Breast Cancer in the News
Angelina Jolie has often been in the media – she is, after all, half of the Hollywood power couple, Brangelina. But this time the story appeared not in a tabloid gossip column but in the New York Times Op-Ed page. It was one she had written herself, entitled, My Medical Choice and it revealed an important personal decision Ms. Jolie had made. Learning that she had a mutated BRCA1 gene – increasing her risk of breast and ovarian cancers – and deeply saddened by the loss of her mother to … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, BRCA1 gene, breast cancer, mammogram, mastectomy, medical choice, MoonWalk, research, screening, treatment, walkthewalkamerica
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