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Tag Archives: ‘Lean In’
Ban Bossy
What do you think of the Ban Bossy campaign? Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, has partnered with Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts, and former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice to encourage girls to strive for leadership roles. Their thought is that girls are discouraged from asserting themselves because they don’t want to be called bossy—domineering, prone to giving orders. The campaign argues that if we take away the stigma by banning the word, girls will take … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged 'Lean In', Anna Maria Chavez, Ban Bossy, Condeleeza Rice, Deborah Tannen, feminism, Girl Scouts, girls, leadership, self esteem, sexism, Sheryl Sandberg, STEM, work
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Can Women Have It All?
Here it is 50 years after “The Feminine Mystique” was published and women are still struggling with identity. Should we “Lean In” and grab ambition as the book recently published by Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg suggests? Or let go of guilt and create a realistic work/family balance once and for all? Is it time to reignite the smoldering women’s revolution? Probably not. As I look back over 35 years of trying to do it all, I realize that these conversations will likely continue way past my lifetime. You see, there … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 'Lean In', Betty Friedan, guilt, leadership, role models, Sheryl Sandberg, stress, The Feminine Mystique