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Tag Archives: helicopter parents
Helicopter Parents Following Kids to College
Precisely who are these Helicopter Parents? They’re the ones who pay such close attention to their children’s experiences and problems that it’s smothering. And when these over-protecting parents are fearful or worried and restrictive, their kids often become too dependent and doubt themselves. Over time, they don’t have the life skills to assess risks, make decisions and take care of themselves. And what about the parents, themselves? This Washington Post article, written by sociology professor Dr. Margaret Nelson, is called Helicopter Moms Heading for a Crash. She says this parenting … Continue reading
Helicopter Parents: Give Your Kids the Gift of Independence
Do you recognize yourself – hovering over your kids’ lives, kind of on the fringe and not really letting them figure it out on their own? The best thing you can do is give them more responsibility and have them handle their own issues without stepping in. Try to let go a little at a time. Minimize financial assistance. Sure, you need to be responsible for the basic necessities. But give your children a weekly allowance and, beginning in high school, encourage them to get part-time jobs. They need to … Continue reading
Practical Strategies for Helicopter Parents
Have you heard about the recently published book, The Idle Parent? Helicopter Parents is a hot topic right now. If you think you fit the profile, follow these tips as you shift responsibility from your shoulders to where it now belongs: Take on a supportive role as you encourage your children to make their own decisions and deal with the natural consequences. Give fewer directions while they’re learning important new problem solving skills. Although they will be faced with many choices, experience is a great teacher. Resist taking on chores … Continue reading
Helicopter Parents and Teen Self Esteem Month
Did you know that May is National Teen Self Esteem Month? And that a negative self image can affect learning and social skills as well as lead to delinquency, eating disorders and substance abuse? Some experts believe there’s a correlation between how much and what kind of control parents exert and how their children experience themselves. Growing up, perhaps your parents kept such a close watch over you that it felt suffocating. Have you ever thought, now that you’re the parent of teens, that you’re doing the same thing? As … Continue reading