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Tag Archives: healthcare
Father’s Day and Your Aging Dad
With Father’s Day approaching, are your thoughts turning to the men in your life – father, husband, son, other male figures? Mine are. It’s heartwarming to see how my sons have become devoted dads themselves, reflecting their own loving father. This weekend, I’ll also be honoring the memory of my dad, who died in his 90th year over a decade ago. While helping with his care during the final years of a chronic illness, it was painful to see how he was declining. Always active and fun-loving while I was growing … Continue reading
Your Personal Health Plan is Job 1
Although “Obamacare” is now the law of the land for Americans, controversy still surrounds it. Candidates in November’s elections have widely conflicting views about its value. Next to jobs as the most import issue in races this year, the new healthcare law is determining the voting patterns of many citizens throughout the country. The uncertainties arising from which party will control the House and Senate in 2011 may leave you in a quandary about your own healthcare strategy.What can you do in the meantime? Decide on a personal health plan … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged election, family, health plan, healthcare, help, job, laughter, positive mood, Sandwiched Boomer, self care, video
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Your Social Network Can Improve Your Health
I bet you’re not surprised: Study after study has confirmed what most women already know – friendships are good for your health. The Nurses Health Study found that the greater the number of friends in your social network, the more healthful and joyful a life you lead. The MacArthur Foundation concluded that social support helps women cope with difficult times. Shelley Taylor and her colleagues at UCLA determined that befriending other women helps women live longer and more satisfying lives. So when you’re setting up your personal health plan, be … Continue reading