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Tag Archives: health
Cuddles and Hugs
Have you heard of “cuddle clubs?” They are the latest trend around the world among Millennials, Gen X’ers and Boomers who are in need of a hug. Cuddling – with a parent or sibling or even a favorite stuffed animal – was easier when we were younger. But it can be difficult for an adult who is not in a relationship to find a partner to embrace. With the widespread use of social media on the Internet taking the place of face-to-face interactions and delayed marriage rates, young adults are … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged affection, blood pressure, cortisol, cuddle party, health, hormone, hug, Internet, isolation, massage, Millennials, oxytocin, pet, snuggle, social media, stress
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Getting Away
“Do everyone a favor – get out of here. Just go away.” Have you heard these words from anyone at your job or at home? If so, they might be giving you some good advice. Americans are known to be hard workers, with the average number of paid vacation days in the U.S. ranking below that of most other developed countries. And, even when employees have accrued them, many don’t take all of their eligible time off. A recent study of American workers found that 15% had not taken any … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged adventure, boundaries, employee, family, friends, health, nature, serenity, staycation, stress, travel, trip, vacation, well being
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Pink power over breast cancer
With news of a second case of Ebola developing in the United States, fears about our health have catapulted to the top of an ever-growing list of anxieties. Yet, as we implement an improved means for controlling the spread of that disease, we can turn the focus to our current abilities to influence the course of other diseases. During the month of October we are reminded of the power we have to manage breast cancer – through awareness, risk reduction, early detection, effective medical treatment, support and finding positive meaning. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged awareness, breast cancer, disease, early detection, Ebola, health, mammogram, mammography, positive meaning, risk reduction, support, treatment
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Have You Heard the One About…
If you’ve been feeling happier the last few weeks, it could be due to the arrival of spring, the onset of daylight savings time, the holidays shared with family–or the fact that April is National Humor Month. Lots of things can be funny – slapstick, satire, irony—but most have at least a tinge of truth to them. Like one of Yogi Berra’s most well known malapropisms, 90% of the game is half mental. Humor often results when our brains, trying to resolve two incongruent ideas, look for any unexpected and … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being
Tagged comedian, comedy, connection, creativity, endorphin, exercise, fun, health, laughter, medicine, National Humor Month, pain, problem solving, stress, well being, Yogi Berra
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