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Tag Archives: grandmother
Honoring Grandmothers
Yesterday we had an informative chat with Sally Olds, author of Super Granny: Great Stuff to Do With Your Grandkids. Click on the title above to see more about Sally’s books. Today we want to highlight some of the interesting comments we had from our readers about the art of grandmothering and Sally’s responses. One question was about whether or not to discuss a grandparenting idea with the parents ahead of time. Sally weighed in with her wise counsel: “For some of the more elaborate and time-consuming activities or any … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged grandchildren, grandmother, parent, Sally Wendkos Olds, Super Granny
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Super Granny: Great Stuff To Do With Your Grandkids
Author and grandmother Sally Wendkos Olds is here today to talk about her new book. Super Granny: Great Stuff to do with Your Grandkids. It’s an up-to-the-minute 21st century treasure trove of activities that help grandmothers enjoy, communicate, and really connect with their grandchildren. Activities in the book are grouped by age, from infancy to adolescence, with something for the most computer-savvy granny and kid, along with more traditional projects. Handy icons throughout the book help pinpoint projects that suit your pocketbook, energy level, and interests. A bonus is the … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged book, grandchildren, granddaughter, grandmother, grandson, parent, Sally Wendkos Olds, Super Granny
You’re Still a Grandmother After a Divorce or Second Marriage
When you are part of the special kind of non-traditional grandparenting that is becoming more and more common today, the most important word to remember is flexibility. If you son or daughter has divorced, you might be concerned that you will lose some contact with your grandchild, especially if the situation is strained between the parents after the split. You may find that it is useful to maintain a relationship with your child’s ex in order to spend more time with your grandkids. It’s a touchy subject and you’ll find … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged divorce, family, flexibility, grandchildren, grandmother, parent, patience
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Long-distance Grandmothers
When your grandchildren live far away, you probably don’t have the opportunity to see them more than every few months, particularly in this economy. Here the most salient issue is building connections. Likely you will need to enlist the aid of your adult children and children-in-law to help you form the bonds between you and their kids. The way you do this will vary as they grow and will certainly flow from your own interests and creative talents. Whatever you choose, your efforts will be well worth it when you … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged connection, grandchildren, grandmother, grandparenting, savor memories, scrapbook, Skype
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