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Tag Archives: friends
Reflecting on what truly matters
We tell our children that you can learn more from failure than from success. But do we actually believe that ourselves? What do we do after we’ve failed to reach a goal we set for ourselves? This week, I’ve had a chance to reflect on these questions myself in a very personal way. On Sunday, I was unable to finish the Moonwalk half marathon – fainting from the heat and humidity after mile 12 of the 13.1 – and I experienced many feelings in the aftermath. Some I expected – … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged breast cancer, camaraderie, defeat, emotions, failure, family, friends, goals, gratitude, marathon, MoonWalk, positive, success, support, volunteer, walk
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Parenting Resilient Children
You’ve likely noticed that some children seem to be more resilient than others, overcoming difficult childhoods and dysfunctional relationships. As we highlighted in the post here on Tuesday, a new study labels these kids dandelions since they are able to thrive in less than inviting environs. Here are 6 tips to help your kids become more resilient, whatever type of flower they represent: Encourage them to make connections. Relationships can be a major source of support when times are tough and provide a safe home-base all the time. Family bonds … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being
Tagged children, connection, family, friends, goals, kids, optimism, parenting, relationship, self care, self esteem, volunteering
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Celebrating the 4th of July
How are you celebrating the 4th of July this year? Whether you’re with friends or family, at home or out, enjoy relaxing and being together. Hoist the flag, express your gratitude for living in this great country of ours and grab a hot dog on a bun – which by the way was invented at the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis, my hometown. Then find a good spot for watching the fireworks this evening! The Statue of Liberty, a gift to America from France in 1886, reopened to the … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged 4th of July, America, community, family, friends, resilience, support
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Connecting as One
The horror of the Boston Marathon bombings was a shock felt by millions of us. Of course the victims – as well as their families, friends and first responders – were affected most acutely. With 3 people killed that day and 264 injured, that traumatic experience could have stopped everyone in their tracks. But we continue to hear stories of courage, heroism, dedication and resiliency among average citizens as well as professionals. And now we are learning more about the reactions to the bombing from individuals and corporations here at … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bombing, Boston Marathon, contribution, control, family, Feinberg, first responders, friends, helpers high, One Fund Boston, resilience, suffering, trauma, victim
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