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Tag Archives: CoroFaith:mFaith
Aging as a Leap of Faith: Letting Our Spirits Fly
Today’s article by our friend, colleague and guest blogger Carol Orsborn may resonate for many of you. Please feel free to ask her questions in the ‘Reply’ section below the post. Here you go: I received a poignant email from Sally, an old friend who had just stumbled across Fierce with Age, my online Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality: I turned 65 and instantly became depressed. But seems like you’ve got a handle on this aging thing. How is that you have avoided despair, regret and questions about … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged aging, Boomers, CoroFaith:mFaith, death, downsize, Dr. Carol Orsborn, fierce with age, guest blogger, loss, marginalization, mHealth app, religion, retire, spirituality