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Tag Archives: conversation
listening to men
A remark on last week’s post was that a good relationship needs to be nurtured. What follows are the final comments from our mens’ poll – and they agree. Change has probably been an integral part of your marriage – in the roles you each play and in the way you relate to each other. Tom has been able to focus on the changing realities of his situation. “It’s a matter of accepting what is, rather than what you would like it to be. It’s not easy and I feel … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged attitude, conversation, men, relationship, spouse, voices
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husbands and their voices
One of our readers was motivated to plan a surprise for her husband’s birthday after seeing last week’s post. With our busy lives it’s so easy to just remain on automatic pilot. See if any of the following comments from our recent poll stimulate you to action. As a single man, Barry had enjoyed an active sex life and finally married later in life. He was determined to make this relationship work. “I recognize that I’m not a young man anymore and factor that into my thinking about sex. Since … Continue reading
men speak up
We always speak from the female voice because that’s who we are. However, we’ve taken a poll and, over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing comments from men about their perspective on long-term relationships. Often it’s a struggle for marital partners to maintain commitment to each other. However, many men recognize that the outcome is worth the effort. Henry talked about his secret to success. “We’ve never lost our focus – we knew we had to work to stay together. It was the two of us in the beginning … Continue reading