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Tag Archives: anger
A survivor of domestic violence commented that it was a very long and difficult process for her to get out of her abusive relationship. She relied on neighbors and her family but mostly on a women’s shelter – where she went to live three different times during her tumultuous marriage. Finally breaking the cycle of domestic violence for herself, her advice is: “Get help. Leave. Leave in any way you can. Don’t go back. Period.” If you are afraid of your partner’s anger and how he/she treats you, your children … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged abuse, anger, Domestic Violence, family, friends, support, women's shelter
1 Comment
These are unprecedented times. From the breakdown of traditional financial institutions to the government’s 700 million dollar bailout, Americans don’t know how to respond. Some are in denial, not fully understanding the problems and consequences. Others are angry at what they see as a “bailout for the fat cats” and an award for recklessness on Wall Street. Still others feel panic about the gloomy economic forecast. These are all typical emotional reactions to loss. And for Sandwiched Boomers, many financially responsible for their children and aging parents, they see their … Continue reading