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Category Archives: well-being
How Conscious Uncoupling Impacts Kids
After more than a decade of marriage, actress Gwyneth Paltrow and musician Chris Martin have decided to “remain separate.” A post on her website states that their plans are to consciously uncouple and co-parent their children, daughter Apple age 9 and son Moses age 7. All couples go through hard times and some face challenges that are insurmountable. No matter whether they end up in divorce court or mediation, what matters most is their emotional reactions. None of us can always control what happens but we can control how we … Continue reading
Virtual Book Tour with Cyma Shapiro
We are happy to welcome to our website today, Cyma Shapiro, and her book, The Zen of Midlife Mothering: Essays from MotheringintheMiddle.com. It is the first anthology written by and for midlife mothers! The Zen celebrates the heartbreak and the glory of women choosing motherhood over 40 for the first, repeat, or last time, and of those standing firmly in place as mothers now in mid-life. In this increasingly popular trend of new older parenting, these women do not share a collective consciousness like many of their younger counterparts, … Continue reading
Let’s not Pigeonhole Millennials
Did you know that, according to the older generation, kids today have a sense of entitlement and are clueless about how to communicate without social media? A pigeonhole is an overly restrictive category, which fails to reflect the actual complexities. And pigeonholing is exactly what we’re doing to the eight million Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000. According to the media, Gen Y has created a new developmental stage between adolescence and adulthood called adultolescense. More of them are living with a parent than a partner, in part because they’re … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being
Tagged adultolescense, connection, divorce, economics, GenY, marriage, Millennials, parents, social media, student loans, support, unemployment, volunteering
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selfies and the oscars
By now, it’s likely that you’ve seen the selfie taken by Ellen DeGeneres at the Academy Awards earlier this week. Perhaps you even retweeted it yourself, along with over three million others, breaking the record at Twitter. And actively participating in the event allowed you to feel more connected to the celebrities who were featured in it – Ellen, Meryl Streep, Bradley Cooper, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lawrence, Lupita Nyong’o, Kevin Spacey. Or are you one of the 40% of Baby Boomers who admitted in a recent Pew Research … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being
Tagged 2014 Oscars, Academy Awards, Baby Boomers, celebrities, children, connections, Millennials, Pew Research, posts, privacy, selfies, social media, unplug
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