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Category Archives: well-being
Robin Williams: The Mask of Humor
Beloved actor Robin Williams struggled with depression and substance abuse throughout his illustrious career, and recently was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. On Monday, August 11, he committed suicide at the age of 63. We all wear masks at one time or another, pretending that everything is OK. It’s common to hide our personal pain. But the bad feelings don’t just disappear. Whether you’re facing a financial crisis, giving up roles that define you, or adjusting to great loss and a new reality, examine how to deal with what’s missing. Decide what … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anger, crisis, depression, frustration, healing, humor, masks, pain, Robin Williams, SAD, substance abuse, suffering, suicide, support, therapist
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Becoming a superhero
Superheroes traditionally dominate the blockbuster motion picture ratings each summer and this one is no exception. These larger-than-life characters appeal to our kids, who idolize them and aspire to become all-powerful too. I recall a favorite summertime activity in my own childhood – sitting on the floor in the corner of our local drug store reading the latest edition of all the action comic books, especially Wonder Woman. Their personas provide a sense of possibility for adults as well, encouraging us to dream of what we might become. With their … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged challenges, coaching, comics, coping, identity, meaning, motivation, movies, power, relaxation, role model, self confidence, stress, success, superhero, support, teamwork
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5 Practical Tips to Reduce Stress
Stress is the body’s response to any stimulus that taxes our personal resources. It can appear, suddenly and unannounced, through a variety of symptoms: Physiologically as headaches or an upset stomach Emotionally by feeling frustrated or overwhelmed Cognitively from memory loss or trouble concentrating Behaviorally with changes in eating or sleep patterns State of mind affects our wellbeing, and we’re all searching for some serenity in this frenetic world. Vacations ease tension, but they’re just too few and far between. So why not take a head trip as your relaxation … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged burnout, frustration, gratitude, head trip, headaches, memory loss, negative feelings, reduce stress, tension, worry
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Are You a Tortoise or a Hare?
Remember Aesop’s fable about the race between the tortoise and the hare? More than just a straightforward children’s tale about two mismatched competitors, it touches on several themes that are significant no matter your age: overconfidence vs. ingenuity laziness vs. perseverance bullying vs. resilience Last week, at a friend’s house, I enjoyed interacting with her pet tortoise and realized that he could get around a lot faster than I expected. He got me to considering what lessons can you take from the tortoise and the hare, both at work and … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged Aesop's fables, challenge, competition, goal, job, objective, race, strategy, target, tortoise and hare, win