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Category Archives: well-being
The Positive Qualities of Millennials
If you’re the Mom of a Millennial or have a boomerang kid back home, you must know they don’t all fit into a single category. Yet the media continues to describe that generation as lazy, outspoken, with a sense of entitlement. Sure, they also mention the huge student loans, poor job market, and stagnant wages. But labels make you wonder about the credibility of the source. The financial collapse caught Baby Boomers by surprise and impacted the growth of their emerging adult children. Now, still, too many Millennials are not living … Continue reading
Soccer is Queen
This weekend a women’s sporting event broke television records – the final game of the World Cup was the most viewed soccer game ever in the United States, with 25 million watching it on TV. When the American women’s soccer team won, it was a cause for celebration throughout the country. And festivities there have been – including plans for the first ever ticker tape parade in New York for a team of female athletes. These players worked together to become World Cup champions. What can we learn from them … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged cooperation, determination, friendship, generosity, respect, role model, sports, success, trust, USA team, values, victory, win, women's soccer, World Cup
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Millennials Support Rainbow Marriage
When the Supreme Court last week proclaimed, in a 5-4 vote, that the Constitution guarantees the right to same-sex marriage, it reflected perhaps one of the fastest changes in American public opinion about a social issue. It was only three years ago that the President and a majority of citizens first openly supported the concept. Many factors contributed to this evolution of beliefs, but a significant one is a result of the 83 million Millennials in the population. Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000 and usually the children of Baby … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomers, decision, gay, lesbian, LGBT, marriage, Millennials, opinion, same-sex, Supreme Court
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The Universal Appeal of Friendship
It’s apparent that friendships mean a lot to Millennials. You see it when they’re gathered in groups, enjoying beach volleyball or breaking bread at a café community table. As digital natives, their connectivity is primal – busy checking a constant stream of texts, punctuated by comments on social media. But whether we’re Millennials, Gen X or Baby Boomers, don’t we all value our friends? They’re the ones who love us even with all our quirks. And when we start a business or finish our first novel, there they are clapping … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, disappointment, friendship, Gen X, MacArthur Foundation Study, Millennials, social media, stress, support, survival strategies, texts
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