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Category Archives: sandwich generation
Coping With Your Aging Dad on Father’s Day
Father’s Day gives us the chance to salute our dads and say thanks for all they’re done for us. As a young girl, mine taught me how to swim, stand on my head and play tennis; as a teen, how to be responsible and accomplish my goals; as an adult how to feel cherished. As we all grow and mature, our relationships with our fathers change but the bond of love is constant. If your dad has become more fragile as he ages, it’s likely that your connection has been … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation
Tagged aging parent, Baby Boomer, caregiving, challenge, dad, eldercare, Father's Day, healthy aging, resiliency, Sandwich Generation, siblings, stress, support
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Father’s Day and Your Aging Dad
With Father’s Day approaching, are your thoughts turning to the men in your life – father, husband, son, other male figures? Mine are. It’s heartwarming to see how my sons have become devoted dads themselves, reflecting their own loving father. This weekend, I’ll also be honoring the memory of my dad, who died in his 90th year over a decade ago. While helping with his care during the final years of a chronic illness, it was painful to see how he was declining. Always active and fun-loving while I was growing … Continue reading
Mommy Wars Post Tax Day
Moms continue to reflect and speak out about the economy – the nation’s and their own family’s. Women recognize that life can be full of stress and anxiety, especially when extra financial worries erupt at tax time. Whether you’re a work-at-home mom or pursue a career outside the house, we can all choose to attack the problems, not each other. These tips can help you become part of the solution as you develop a personal safety net to fall back on now and in other difficult times: Reconsider your assumptions, … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, communication, deep breathing, family, friends, growing children, information, mommy wars, reframe, relaxation technique, solution, support, taxes, tension, walk
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Tax Day Minus One and More
Women are used to multi-tasking, thinking about and dealing with many issues at the same time. Still, your head may be spinning today with the complex activities going on – Emancipation Day, the celebration of President Lincoln’s freeing of slaves in the District of Columbia 150 years ago, Patriot’s Day with the 116th running of the Boston Marathon and Tax Day tomorrow when 144 million income tax returns are due to be filed. Women and taxes are in the news again as the debate continues between moms who work in … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, balance, Buffet rule, burnout, career, family, finances, fun, growing children, Sandwiched Boomer, stress, Tax Day, women, work
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