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Author Archives: phyllis
Want Less Stress? Spend Time with Friends
Do you ever feel there aren’t enough hours in the day? According to a recent research study, participants who outsourced laundry, cleaning, yard work and other tedious chores reported greater life satisfaction. These results suggest that spending money on time saving services increases happiness by minimizing tension about limited free time. Interested? There’s no better way to relieve pressure than by spending quality time with friends. And as a plus, emotional support from friends helps you navigate work/family transitions and live a more satisfying life. Numerous studies indicate that social ties reduce … Continue reading
Posted in Evergreen, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged face conflicts head-on, friends provide emotional support, friendships are complicated, less stress and more happiness, outsource tedious chores for greater life satisfaction
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Re-feathering Your Empty Nest
Today over 20 million young adults between 18 and 32 are more likely living with parents than independently. And the phenomenon of boomerang kids back in the nest is being called a favorable cultural shift. Yet it’s a challenge for some moms who are in the midst of spreading their own wings. If this sounds familiar, try these practical tips to help you navigate this transition: Increase optimism. A positive mindset doesn’t diminish the fact that you now have more responsibility and less freedom. But changing your perspective and how you … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, your self
Tagged boomerang kids back in the nest, how to resolve family conflicts, improve communication with teenagers, parenting adult children
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Virtual Book Tour: John Tarnoff
For this Virtual Book Tour, we’re pleased to host career reinvention coach, John Tarnoff on our blog. We’ll be discussing his recently published book, Boomer Reinvention: How to Create Your Dream Career Over 50. After learning the secrets of how to turn setbacks into successes, John reinvented himself at age 50. Today, he’s here to share how a ‘second act’ career can be not only financially successful, but personally fulfilling as well. Let’s get started. Her Mentor Center: Why should people trust John Tarnoff to take them through a critical life event … Continue reading
The Six Best Valentines Gifts
Some of the best Valentines gifts come neither from shopping online nor tied with a bow. They’re our thoughts and actions, offered as a reflection of love and appreciation. According to the field of interpersonal neurobiology, the brain is constantly changing. And that is impacted by how we interact daily. Loving relationships can actually alter brain circuits that shape memories and emotions. Remember the chemistry when you and your partner first fell in love? Depending on how we treat each other, those deep feelings can last a lifetime. We change … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged emotional intimacy, keep romance alive, love, loving relationships alter brain circuits, lower tension, resolve conflict, the art of compromise, Valentines gifts
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