Tag Archives: sense of humor

Wrap up of Lucy Adam’s Virtual Book Tour

If you missed our Virtual Book Tour yesterday, scroll down to read about Lucy Adams and her book, “If Mama Don’t Laugh It Ain’t Funny.” Below are some of Lucy’s answers to our readers’ questions: Were you always funny or did you cultivate your sense of humor? I admire your skill and, although I see the humor in stuff, I don’t seem to be able to convey it to others. I think a good sense of humor runs in my family. My best memories of my great-grandmother and grandmother are … Continue reading

Posted in extended family, your self | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

We think all you Sandwiched Boomers will enjoy this article by Roberta Benor – Food for the Sandwich Generation: the Meanings Behind the Bread You Choose – published in the Washington Post in 1992. “When you are told by your secretary that a nurse is on the line, do you try to guess if it is the school or the nurse in the cardiac care unit? Are your conversations at dinner parties now centered equally around vignettes of both your youngest and oldest relatives? Do you find yourself sandwiched in … Continue reading

Posted in aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment