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Tag Archives: resilience
Choose Resilience
To one degree or another, we’ve all suffered adversity and experienced setbacks. But have you heard about post-traumatic growth? You know, it’s always possible to bounce back. Whether you’re hit in the face with a crisis or making a slow transition to the next chapter, expect a cascade of emotions–anxiety, the desire to hold on, fear, maybe even a sense of freedom. If you step back, take a deep breath and face the situation squarely, you can’t help but grow from the challenges: Look into your part. You have a … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety, conflict resolution, crisis, death, fear, job loss, marriage, post traumatic growth, relationships, resilience, stress, transition
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Positive Effects of Negativity
I was having dinner the other night with a friend who is having a tough time as she goes through a very difficult break-up and I wondered, with all the emphasis in Positive Psychology on resilience and optimism, are we being unrealistic about our abilities to bounce back after a crisis? And is there actually some real value in being unhappy sometimes? Immersed as we are in the ‘dog days of summer’ it might seem like the wrong time to look at such heavy and pessimistic issues, but let’s give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged break up, challenges, change, crisis, death, divorce, emotions, job loss, loss, negativity, optimism, pessimism, positive psychology, recovery, resilience, survive, unhappiness
Kids as Orchids or Dandelions
We know the statistics: about 20% of American children today grow up in deprived circumstances – poverty, social isolation, chaotic home life, surrounded by drugs, alcohol, or gangs. Unfortunately many of them repeat this dysfunctional process as they begin to have behavioral problems themselves. What we don’t understand is how some of the children are able to overcome their poor environment and develop into resilient kids and young adults. A recent study has considered why some babies seem to be able to tolerate the lack of a nurturing environment better … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged at risk, babies, caregiver, children, family, kids, parents, poverty, relationships, resilience, support
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Celebrating the 4th of July
How are you celebrating the 4th of July this year? Whether you’re with friends or family, at home or out, enjoy relaxing and being together. Hoist the flag, express your gratitude for living in this great country of ours and grab a hot dog on a bun – which by the way was invented at the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis, my hometown. Then find a good spot for watching the fireworks this evening! The Statue of Liberty, a gift to America from France in 1886, reopened to the … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged 4th of July, America, community, family, friends, resilience, support
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