Tag Archives: mother-in-law

You as a Mother-in-Law

Tomorrow we welcome Dr. Susan Lieberman to our blog for a Virtual Book Tour highlighting her book, The Mother-in-Law’s Manual: Proven Strategies for Creating and Maintaining Healthy Relationships with Married Children. Please come with your questions and comments for her. She has graciously and generously agreed to be available both Thursday and Friday of this week to give you some answers. So think about what concerns you in your relationships as a MIL and prepare to pick Susan’s brain this week. In the meantime, you can find some articles about … Continue reading

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Families Together

Another mother-in-law has contacted us about her experiences with her children-in-law. Susan Lieberman has written a book about the process of improving relationships with sons- and daughters-in-law. We plan to host her on our blog in the future so stay tuned. With Memorial Day coming on Monday, we salute those families who have a loved one serving in the Armed Forces and honor with respect those who have lost a family member in service to our country. Please join with us in celebrating the lives of these brave men and … Continue reading

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Tips for Building Good In-Law Relationships

All week we have been talking about the challenges and joys of becoming a mother-in-law. If you feel your only choices are to keep your mouth shut or walk on eggshells when you are around your married offspring and their partners, think again. Our tips about improving the relationships with your children-in-law can also help cement good feelings with your adult children. Here are some brief suggestions that we discuss in more detail on our website. Click on the title above to take you to HerMentorCenter.com where you can read … Continue reading

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Love and Children-in-Law

Yesterday we talked about some qualities to draw on as you settle into a relationship with the ones your children have chosen as life partners. We suggested respect, patience, acceptance and love as models to follow as you take on the role of mother-in-law. One of our readers commented about how she has learned to move through this dynamic relationship – letting go of her preconceived set of ideas about how her adult children should choose to live their lives and how they decide to relate to her. And, as … Continue reading

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