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Tag Archives: financial
Celebrating holidays with your adult children
In these times of stress, fear and uncertainty, we turn to family and friends for comfort – and to time-tested rituals for feelings of security. Particularly in this holiday season, many will come together to honor customs and gain a sense of stability. Yet as families grow and change, so do holiday celebrations. Now that Hanukkah is here, relatives are gathering in various constellations across the country. For some, the family is smaller as older parents become infirm and adult children move away. For others, relatives travel across the country … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, parenting kids, your self
Tagged " adult children, Boomerang kid, challenges, Chanukah, debt, family, Festival of Lights, financial, Hanukkah, holiday, job loss, parents, relatives, return home, rewards, student loans, support
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New Ways to Help Your Aging Parents
For all you Sandwiched Boomers out there, we’ve come across two new creative developments to help you care for your aging parents while you are busy raising your kids. We’ve tried them out ourselves and want to share with you our excitement about them.The first is a new kind of software, made especially for older seniors who are not yet comfortable with navigating the Internet. It’s called Seniorama and is made by an Israeli software company, Softarama. Seniorama is a senior-friendly operating system with a very simple graphic user interface … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents
Tagged aging parents, brain fitness, connected, email, emergency, financial, growing children, Internet, medical, Sandwiched Boomer, Seniorama, seniors, software, support
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