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Tag Archives: Deborah Tannen
Ban Bossy
What do you think of the Ban Bossy campaign? Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, has partnered with Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts, and former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice to encourage girls to strive for leadership roles. Their thought is that girls are discouraged from asserting themselves because they don’t want to be called bossy—domineering, prone to giving orders. The campaign argues that if we take away the stigma by banning the word, girls will take … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged 'Lean In', Anna Maria Chavez, Ban Bossy, Condeleeza Rice, Deborah Tannen, feminism, Girl Scouts, girls, leadership, self esteem, sexism, Sheryl Sandberg, STEM, work
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Be a Cushion of Kindness
I’m savoring the memories of last week in Canada, where I joined in the celebration of my sister’s 70th birthday. And the shared kindness among family and friends was a prelude to our post today by author and speaker, Kare Anderson: “Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble.” ~ French proverb Our media fans the fires of a “right-wrong” approach to escalating discussions. Linguist Deborah Tannen, Ph.D. describes this “let’s argue” style eloquently in her book, The Argument Culture. We get frozen in our differences, and may wind up feeling alone. While many … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged Albert Schweitzer, Charles Kuralt, Deborah Tannen, Kare Anderson, kindness, Moving from Me to We, Say It Better
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Mother-In-Law Strategies for Healthy Relationships
We are happy to welcome Dr. Susan Lieberman back for more questions and answers about her book. In The Mother-In-Law’s Manual: Proven Strategies for Creating and Maintaining Healthy Relationships with Married Children, Susan uses the same strategy she found so helpful when her children were growing up – talking to other women going through the same experiences. She deals with all facets of the in-law relationship, including how to handle difficult family members, how to discuss what seems like impending disaster and how to approach our babies having babies. We’ve … Continue reading
Men at Work – More than Just a Sign
Linguist Deborah Tannen has written numerous books about the conversational styles of women and men, in families and at work. According to Tannen, problems can occur, especially in a job setting where the members are not as knowledgeable about each other, when men and women don’t understand the rituals that define each other’s approach. Women, even in a work setting, generally use conversational strategies that are considerate and sensitive to the other person’s feelings, even when giving negative feedback. Demonstrating an emphasis on getting the job done without “flexing their … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged boss, brother, conversational style, Deborah Tannen, HerMentorCenter.com, home, men, power, spouse, women, work
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