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Tag Archives: crisis
Choose Resilience
To one degree or another, we’ve all suffered adversity and experienced setbacks. But have you heard about post-traumatic growth? You know, it’s always possible to bounce back. Whether you’re hit in the face with a crisis or making a slow transition to the next chapter, expect a cascade of emotions–anxiety, the desire to hold on, fear, maybe even a sense of freedom. If you step back, take a deep breath and face the situation squarely, you can’t help but grow from the challenges: Look into your part. You have a … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety, conflict resolution, crisis, death, fear, job loss, marriage, post traumatic growth, relationships, resilience, stress, transition
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Robin Williams: The Mask of Humor
Beloved actor Robin Williams struggled with depression and substance abuse throughout his illustrious career, and recently was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. On Monday, August 11, he committed suicide at the age of 63. We all wear masks at one time or another, pretending that everything is OK. It’s common to hide our personal pain. But the bad feelings don’t just disappear. Whether you’re facing a financial crisis, giving up roles that define you, or adjusting to great loss and a new reality, examine how to deal with what’s missing. Decide what … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anger, crisis, depression, frustration, healing, humor, masks, pain, Robin Williams, SAD, substance abuse, suffering, suicide, support, therapist
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Positive Effects of Negativity
I was having dinner the other night with a friend who is having a tough time as she goes through a very difficult break-up and I wondered, with all the emphasis in Positive Psychology on resilience and optimism, are we being unrealistic about our abilities to bounce back after a crisis? And is there actually some real value in being unhappy sometimes? Immersed as we are in the ‘dog days of summer’ it might seem like the wrong time to look at such heavy and pessimistic issues, but let’s give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged break up, challenges, change, crisis, death, divorce, emotions, job loss, loss, negativity, optimism, pessimism, positive psychology, recovery, resilience, survive, unhappiness
Can Workplace Stress Ever Be Good?
Just as you were getting comfortable with your lunchtime “ohms” to reduce daily job stress comes word from business school researchers that stress can actually be good for you. Not the kind that raises blood pressure, attacks the immune system, and causes you to lose sleep, but the kind that motivates you to achieve goals, especially those at work. Changing your attitudes and expectations about stress can modify your responses to new stressful events. Learning how to redefine stress as a challenge ahead of time can limit the increases in … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adrenaline, attitude, career, challenge, control, crisis, expectations, fear, goals, growth, immune system, objectives, self confidence, stress, support, work
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