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Tag Archives: complimentary newsletter
Women and Friendship: Emotional Support
You probably don’t need proof that the emotional support you get from friends is vital, but here it is. Ten years ago a UCLA study proposed that a cascade of brain chemicals released when we’re stressed causes us to seek out other women. This ‘tend and befriend’ notion, developed by psychologists Drs. Shelley Taylor, Laura Klein and their associates, may explain why social ties reduce our risk of disease and help us live longer. Friends also help us live better. Research about coping after the loss of a partner indicates … Continue reading
Happiness in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan
As we mentioned earlier in the week, it was the monarch of the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan who first defined the concept of Gross National Happiness. But what is the Bhutanese formula for happiness? Like many psychological and social indicators, GNH is easier to describe than to define with statistical precision. However, the Bhutanese people seem to know that happiness is multi-dimensional. Learn more on Bhutan’s official website. The country is Buddhist and has a matriarchal system, very few cars, no branding in the shops, a single television station and … Continue reading
Chelsea and Marc: First Dance Together
Apparently one friend’s unique wedding gift for Chelsea and Marc was dancing lessons and they demonstrated new skills in their first dance as husband and wife. Of course, the longer they’re married, the more techniques they’ll add to their repertoire – dance steps and otherwise. No matter who you marry, there are bound to be differences that challenge you – family values, cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic status, religious traditions. But if you’re committed to working together, each complements and enriches the other. And when disagreements do occur, you can rely on … Continue reading
Complimentary Ebook on How to Reach Your Goals
Perhaps there’s a goal you’ve wanted to reach for a long time – start a small business, rekindle an old friendship, run a 5K? When you think about working toward a goal and the inevitable changes that go along with that, you may wonder: How do I access my strengths? What can help me grow? Who will I be then? If you want answers to these questions, sign our email list to the left, just below this post. And accept these gifts from us – receive our free monthly email … Continue reading