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Tag Archives: childless
Childfree and Loving It
Way back when I was young, DINKs (Dual Income No Kids) were a cultural anomaly. In fact, parenthood was synonymous with adulthood. And the issues around being ‘childless’ were discussed in hushed tones. Here it is 52 years after the advent of birth control and ‘childfree’ is the new buzzword. Women who are opting out of motherhood are speaking up loud and clear. According to recent surveys, over 40% of college-educated Generation X women (born between 1965 and 1980) are childfree. These women were part of the first generation that … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adulthood, birth control, career, child-free, childless, DINK, feminist movement, glass ceiling, motherhood, relationships