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Tag Archives: breast cancer
NBCAM and Living with Breast Cancer
As breast cancer survivors have learned, coping with any serious illness can take a toll on you – emotionally as well as physically. This week, we’ll be giving you some tips each day on how to manage your recovery so that you can move forward with your life. We begin today with acknowledging where you are coming from. Accept your changing emotions as normal and give yourself permission to express them. After a brush with cancer, it is normal to feel many different emotions such as anger, fear, worry, anxiety, … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged anger, anxiety, body, breast cancer, communication, coping, depression, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, NBCAM, pink ribbon, serious illness
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NBCAM – National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
For the past 25 years, October has been designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month, blogs will be “going pink,” stores will be selling everything from mixmasters to ipods in pink, you’ll see this pink ribbon everywhere. What does this really mean to you? If you are over 40, it means that you should be having regular screening mammograms. While mammography is the best available screening tool to date, no test is always 100% accurate. So it’s wise to also perform your own monthly breast self-exams and see … Continue reading
Journey of the AIG Bonuses
All over the news these days is the disgust of the American people with the $165 million dollar bonuses AIG gave their own executives, as a “retention bonus.” After originally accepting $150 billion in TARP money, paid for by the American taxpayer, AIG has been scheduled to receive another $30 billion. But now the government has been reacting to the anger of the people and demanding some restitution of the bonus money. Every day Sandwiched Boomers manage their budgets while caring for growing children and aging parents – why can’t … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged AIG, bonus, breast cancer, money, Sandwiched Boomers, success, TARP, taxpayer
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