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Tag Archives: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Stand By Your Man or Hire a Divorce Lawyer
Arnold Schwarzenegger has joined the ranks of political leaders who are known to have cheated on their spouses. When a husband is unfaithful, most women immediately feel outrage, disappointment and betrayal. Yet some wives stand by their man. Others re-evaluate their lives. There are many possible factors that motivate the humiliated wife to stay. Initially she could be in shock and using the defense of denial to avoid reality. Perhaps she’s protecting her husband’s political career. Or she’s concerned about the children and putting them first. Because of her low … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged affair, Arnold Schwarzenegger, betrayal, divorce, Jenny Sanford, Kennedy woman, Maria Shriver, political leaders, power
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Powerful Men Who Cheat on their Wives
The media spotlight this past week has been on Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former Governor of California, who fathered a son with a long time member of his household staff. He has a reputation for behaving badly and, in the past, there have been allegations of him groping and harassing women. And this time there are two betrayals, infidelity and deception. Married to Maria Shriver for 25 years, with 4 kids, Arnold has created a heartbreaking tragedy for his family. Personal pain on display for all to see has played out … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged adultery, Arnold Schwarzenegger, betrayal, divorce lawyer, ethics, family, infidelity, kids, Maria Shriver, politicians, power
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