Voices Raised and Budgets Honored

Tired this morning from watching late night news about the elections across the United States? Although not all results are in yet, it’s clear that the American people have used the polls to give voice to their concerns about the economy. The challenge to the administration is to work with the new Congress to cut spending, balance the budget and reduce the deficit while creating new jobs and reviving the economy.

To help your own personal family budget, Nourishing Relationships is pleased to be a part of this week’s Mom Audience Giveaway Explosion.

We’ve enjoyed learning about Mom Audience, which gives mothers the opportunity to connect with business, employment and service opportunities as well as find out about discounts, deals, giveaways, products and other events. Now they have compiled a group of blogs and websites that are providing products and services free of charge to Mom Audience members this week.

To take advantage of the Mom Audience Giveaway Explosion, subscribe to Mom Audience. When you do, you’ll receive an email with a list of giveaways available to you this week.

Our Nourishing Relationships giveaway is a copy of our ebook Courage and Lessons Learned: Reaching for Your Goals and a chance to also receive a copy of our newest ebook, Taking Control of Stress in a Financial Storm: Practical Strategies and Resources for Success.

To receive Courage and Lessons Learned, simply sign up to receive our monthly ezine, Stepping Stones, which is offered to the left of this blog post. Stepping Stones gives you insider information about our monthly Virtual Book Tours as well as informative white papers with practical tips about how to nourish your family relationships without starving yourself.

As always, you are welcome to follow us on twitter and “like” us on our facebook fan page. You’ll discover practical tips and strategies for the Sandwich Generation, whether you’re coping with stress, acting out teens, aging parents, boomerang kids or difficult daughters-in-law.

If you want to become eligible to also receive a complimentary copy of Taking Control of Stress in a Financial Storm, leave a comment to this blog post, answering the question: “How would you react if you had a adult child who wanted to move back home?” We’ll be giving away copies of our ebook – full of white papers about coping in this economy – to 3 lucky winners, chosen at random. Be sure to leave a contact email so we can let you know if you win. You can learn more about Taking Control of Stress in a Financial Storm on our website, Her Mentor Center. You’ll find information, support and direction there to help you manage your family in flux.

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