In case you don’t have a TV, haven’t been picking up your mail for the past several weeks, and have screened your phone to ignore automatic dials – there’s a U.S. election tomorrow! Pundits on both sides have agreed that great changes in the House, the Senate and the Governors’ mansions are likely – the only question is how considerable those changes will be. If you’d like your opinion to be considered, be sure to get to the polls in time to have your vote counted.
Women’s suffrage was established as a right by the United Nations in 1979 and has been achieved in all U.N. countries except Saudi Arabia. American women have been coming together to make their voices heard in elections ever since they gained the right to vote in 1920, through passage of the 19th Amendment. So join your sisters at the polls tomorrow.
Women have been connecting and sharing their thoughts – about politics as well as their families and themselves – over the years at quilting bees and sewing circles and now the web is providing a new place for networking. We’ve found a great spot for Moms to bond and showcase their businesses, This week they’ll be highlighting giveaways to women who join with them.

Be sure to check back on Mom Audience Giveaway on Wednesday, November 3, when you’ll find a special gift from Nourishing Relationships and Her Mentor Center.