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Tag Archives: meal
Celebrate Chanukah with Traditional Foods and Less Stress
Now that Chanukah is in full swing, I’ve been enjoying the holiday with family and friends. And what is a celebration without the traditional foods – potato pancakes (latkes), donuts (sofganiot) and chocolate coins (gelt). Food has always been an important part of family rituals – sometimes the scents alone can bring back vivid memories of shared holidays. And it can transcend generations: frying latkes reminds me of watching my mother make them for us as kids, making dozens for my own children, and now preparing them to take to … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, stress, your self
Tagged celebration, Chanukah, Christmas, donuts, dysfunctional family relationships, expectations, family, gelt, Hanukkah, holiday, latkes, limits, meal, potato pancakes, relatives, sofganiot, stress, tension, triggers