The Gift of Forgiveness

Who hasn’t suffered pain in a relationship or been angered by the toxic remarks of a colleague? And what about the mistakes you’ve made, whether by poor choices or in hurting others? Negative feelings like these can fester if left unexpressed. Holding on to resentments is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Studies show that forgiving can be as beneficial to you as to those who have wronged you. Give it a try. When you access genuine compassion, you’ll experience an increased sense of wellbeing. … Continue reading

Kids Are CAPE-able

At this time of giving thanks, we want to share with you what we’ve learned about a new program that helps children who are hospitalized. Some kids are in the hospital to receive chemotherapy, others for surgery or treatment of a serious illness or injury. These children often face long and difficult therapies in their healing process. To give them the courage to continue and in the spirit of superheroes – who often wear capes – the plan is to offer these children the power to become their own superheroes … Continue reading

Caring for the Caregiver

I recently participated in a forum dedicated to Baby Boomers caring for growing children and aging parents. If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you may be interested in listening to some PODCASTS. You’ll find interesting panel discussions about Boomerang Kids, longterm caregiving and being stuck in the middle, all packed full of compassion, ideas and resources. The statistics are staggering: over 40 million Americans provide care for loved ones who are unable to care for themselves. At times these struggles call for total devotion. And according to AARP, the collective … Continue reading

Sandwich Generation Resources

Did you know that, although the term “Sandwich Generation” has been in the Merriam Webster dictionary for only 9 years, it was first coined nearly 25 years ago to describe those caring for their growing children and aging parents? Or that the average Sandwich Generation couple spends $10,000 a year, as well as over 25 hours a week, in their care-giving roles? With more Boomerang Kids returning home, the number of those financially supporting both their grown children and their parents has grown to one-quarter of all adults. Baby Boomers … Continue reading