Friendships Decrease Inevitable Stress

On the way to Machu Picchu, outside of the marketplace, I talked with this engaging group. Women gathering with children and connecting is a given when traveling in other countries. And here at home, friendships become even more critical at times of family transition – when children grow up, leave for college, then often boomerang back. Findings from a MacArthur Foundation survey show that the emotional security and social support these relationships provide have been a survival strategy in adversity. And a landmark UCLA study, developed by Drs. Shelley Taylor and … Continue reading

Stepping Stones to Travel

When we created Her Mentor Center in 2000, our focus was on Baby Boomers in the Sandwich Generation. And way back then, before blogging was popular, women would email their personal, family, and travel stories to share on our website. Working up to the publication of “Whose Couch Is It Anyway?” our focus turned to Boomer Moms and their Millennials who had moved back home. And we discovered that, despite the financial and emotional stress of this transition, travel was still a high priority for both generations. According to Mark … Continue reading

Orlando Massacre: Feeling Vulnerable

One deranged man, filled with hate and armed with weapons of war, killed 50 innocents and seriously injured as many within a few hours. Family and friends, anxious and worried, waited to hear about their loved ones. They were desperately trying to understand what was going on, but what they really needed was reassurance. And for many, what they got was heartbreak. How can we continue to face these tragedies time and again when nothing changes? Some are too young to remember 9/11, others can’t forget. While in New York I … Continue reading

More Millennials Are Back Home

It’s June – do you know where your Millennial is? You do if your daughter has moved back in after college graduation or your son has returned home to live after losing his first job. And that’s the situation for over 30% of 18- to 34-year-olds – more than those living with a romantic partner. Recently, the Pew Research Center released their newest report highlighting the situation for Boomerang Kids, particularly the large number of young men in this age group. What has been driving this trend? Although some pundits … Continue reading