Now that you have begun to inventory your assets by beginning a journal and discovering your strengths, continue to concentrate on your strong points as you develop and apply them.
It may be difficult for you to recognize some of your own positive traits. Just as George Bailey (played by Jimmy Stewart) learned in the holiday favorite “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the people you touch may be better able than you to see your talents and the value you added to their lives. Talk with you friends to help flesh out your self inventory.
As you work to identify your strengths, delve more deeply into your core to discover what is there. If you could pursue only a few goals with vigor and intensity at this time, what would they be? The experiences in your life up until now have prepared you to choose what direction you want to take today.
Now think about the route you selected and your ability to share the qualities you have identified. Find some concrete applications for your skills and wisdom as you benefit those around you. You will be increasing your own power and “personal net worth” as you build purpose into your life.